Stacey’s 2020 Recap

To put it bluntly, Thank f**k that’s over. 

That’s how I feel on one hand, but on the other, looking back at that absolute joke of a year, I’m filled with nothing but pride, strength, growth and a new-found confidence.

Asked recently in an interview:  “What's the hardest thing you’ve ever done?” - I didn’t miss a beat. “Survived Covid”, I replied. And business wise it is, hands down.

But 2020 hasn’t been all that bad has it?  Here’s my recap of the year, from both a Goho POV and the real world too…

2020 was the year of Tiger King. Yep, bet you’d already forgotten Joe Exotic hadn’t you? If you didn’t see it, get onto Netflix asap and rid yourself of Tier 3 misery by binge watching this absolute don of a documentary. 

Still on the telly vein, Spitting Image came back, and boy, what a corker it was. Nothing will tickle me as much as seeing Roxy’s 8 year old son, singing away happily “Rishi Sunak’s Helping us all!!” did. Check it out. ASAP. 

2020 was also the year of the Drive-in cinema. Yes, that chintzy 50s Americana wanna-be, which most of the time was actually a pretty crap screen, cobbled together in a car park somewhere off the North Circular, offering bags of Tesco value popcorn, a flat diet coke and a showing of something you'd already watched 15 times on Netflix, all for the tidy sum of £50.

We however got to work with Sunset Cinemas, a luxury drive-in set up just off the A303 near Guildford. (So obviously it was lush). We managed all their social media, marketing and PR, they sold out, added extra dates, had interviews on BBC Radio and 5 star reviews across the board. Bloody good job all round team, fingers crossed they’ll be back next year.


Liv got pregnant. Yep, our very own Super Mum has a blue bun in the oven and we can’t wait to meet the little blighter. We’re super excited about our first ever Goho baby, but apparently Liv’s hubby isn’t keen on the name Go-Homer. Gutted. :(

Izzy and Kirsty joined the team. And what a breath of fresh air they are! Super talented, energetic, fun and just lovely human beings. They bring smiles to my face every day and they are just fabulous. Say hello if you haven’t already!

DONALD TRUMP. Pfft. That is all.

Tik Tok!! Woo… we went viral! Head over to our page @thisisgoho and see what happened when we visited Ellens Stardust Diner in NYC last year.

Weird things selling out in shops. Toilet rolls, sanitizer, pasta, chopped tomatoes, YEAST?!! And don’t get me started on dumbbells and bicycles. If I’d known my trusty bike would’ve become the new 911 Turbo I’d have laughed in your face, but there it is. I’ve got THE accessory of 2020. 

Or is the accessory of 2020 a puppy/rescue dog? Hmm… that’s a tough one. But never in the history of my life have I known a waiting list for rescue dogs. Battersea have run dry. Which is good for the dogs, but let’s just hope they all get looked after. A dog is for life, not just for lockdown.

I got engaged. Woo! I also bought a house with Dar, but its still not renovated. Covid has caused all manner of problems. But builders are still builders, and 2020 just gave them another excuse to add to their list.

Goho won not one but two small business grants!! From Salesforce AND Facebook.

(So no big deal or anything). :)

WhatsApp Image 2020-12-10 at 21.37.49.jpeg

In all seriousness though, the team have absolutely smashed it, we've maintained 5 star reviews, have more than doubled our client base, have kept working the whole way through, have had each others backs, had our clients covered, and we’ve kept smiling. We’ve helped those who need it, we’ve raised money for charity, volunteered our time for projects and crowdfunders, we’ve mentored young people, advised others, and you know what, we’ve loved it. 

2020 has helped us find our A team and our A game. Now 2021, let’s be having ya!



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